
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]Discover a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips with Nkumba University’s e-resources page. Access a wide range of academic journals, e-books, and databases all in one convenient location. Stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments in your field with our constantly updated selection of scholarly materials. Whether you’re a student, faculty member, or researcher, our e-resources page has something for everyone. Explore the vast resources available to enhance your learning and research experience at Nkumba University today.

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-Agriculture, forestry, fisheries, climate and food security


ARDI-Innovation, Technology and Human health
HINARI – Health






For social sciences and humanities
Sage https://journals.sagepub.com/
For social sciences, Education
EBSCOHOST http://web.b.ebscohost.com/ehost/search/basic?vid=1&sid=bf17ea78-7aab-41b1-b6aa-cddb4b506d21%40pdc-v-sessmgr01
TAYLOR AND FRANCIS ONLINE https://www.tandfonline.com/
JSTOR https://www.jstor.org/
Emerald https://www.emerald.com/insight/
Accounting, Finance and Economics
Human resource planning and organization studies
Information and knowledge management
Pdf drive.nethttps://www.pdfdrive.com/
For all subjects
Africa Portal Library https://www.africaportal.org/
The Africa Portal is an online resource that seeks to broaden the availability, accessibility and
use of policy research on issues critical to the future of Africa. It is a collaborative project
between the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) and the South African
Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA). The Africa Portal offers a range of features including a
Digital Library and an Experts Directory. The library holds over 5000 digital documents
including research reports, occasional papers and policy briefs. The entire repository is open
access, equipped with a sophisticated search function and available for free, full-text download.
The material for the library has been provided by Content Partners of the Africa Portal who
benefit from wider dissemination of their research to a global community.
Agriculture OER Repositories https://dev1.oerafrica.org/agriculture-oer/agriculture-oer-repositories
A List of existing Agriculture OER repositories, It includes journals such as Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,AgEcon Search, Global Agricultural Research
Archive, MIT Open Courseware in Economics, The Rice Knowledge (RKB) and Access to
Global Online Research in Agriculture (AGORA) among others.
Cochrane Library https://www.cochranelibrary.com/
The Cochrane Library is a collection of online searchable databases containing high-quality,
independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Cochrane Reviews represent the
highest level of evidence on which to base clinical treatment decision.
Aeronautics E-Books https://www.nasa.gov/connect/ebooks/aeronautics_ebooks_archive_1.html
Looking for documents providing history and context for the work done in aeronautics
research? Wondering what resources are available for your business in science and
technology information? This section provides links to a variety of reference materials related
to aeronautics research at NASA.
College Open Textbooks https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks
The College Open Textbooks Collaborative, a collection of twenty-nine educational non-profit
and for-profit organizations, affiliated with more than 200 colleges, is focused on driving
awareness and adoptions of open textbooks to more than 2000 community and other two-year
colleges. This includes providing training for instructors adopting open resources, peer reviews
of open textbooks, and mentoring online professional networks that support for authors opening
their resources, and other services.
Directory of Open Access Books https://www.doabooks.org/
The primary aim of DOAB is to increase discoverability of Open Access books. Academic
publishers are invited to provide metadata of their Open Access books to DOAB. Metadata will
be harvestable in order to maximize dissemination, visibility and impact. Aggregators can
integrate the records in their commercial services and libraries can integrate the directory into
their online catalogues, helping scholars and students to discover the books. The directory is
open to all publishers who publish academic, peer reviewed books in Open Access and should
contain as many books as possible, provided that these publications are in Open Access and
meet academic standards.
E-Books Directory https://www.e-booksdirectory.com/
E-Books Directory is a daily growing list of freely downloadable ebooks, documents and
lecture notes found all over the internet. You can submit and promote your own ebooks, add
comments on already posted books or just browse through the directory below and download
anything you need.
Electronic library. https://www.e-booksdirectory.com/
Download books free. Find books and Download books for free.
ERICEducation Resources Information Clearinghouse: https://eric.ed.gov/
ERIC is an online library of education research and information, sponsored by the
Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the U.S. Department of Education.
Hesperian: https://hesperian.org/
Hesperian is dedicated to publishing for community health and empowerment and provides a
good selection of full-text health books from eBrary including: Where There is No Doctor,
Where Women Have No Doctor, Water for Life, and Global Health Watch.
IDEAS https://ideas.repec.org/
IDEAS is a large bibliographic database dedicated to economics and finance research
available freely on the Internet. Over 1.000.000 items of research can be browsed or
searched, and over 900.000 can be downloaded in full text!
InTechOpen https://www.intechopen.com/books
Read, download & share more free eBooks and Journals on the following subject areas:
Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Life Sciences, Health Sciences Social
Sciences and Humanities
National Academies Press https://www.nap.edu/
National Academies Press offers hundreds of books which can be downloaded as pdf for free by
the chapter or the entire book. Topics include: Agriculture, Behavioral and Social Sciences,
Conflict and Security Issues, Education, Energy, Environmental Studies, Food & Nutrition,
Industry and Labor.
NCBI Bookshelf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/
Bookshelf provides free access to books and documents in life science and healthcare. A vital
node in the data-rich resource network at NCBI, Bookshelf enables users to easily browse,
retrieve, and read content, and spurs discovery of related information.
OAPEN https://www.oapen.org/
The OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of
Humanities and Social Sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled
collection of Open Access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research
funders in the areas of dissemination, quality assurance and digital preservation.
Open Courseware Consortium https://www.oeconsortium.org/
At the Open Courseware Consortium courses from MIT, the Open University of the Netherlands,
the University of Michigan, and the University of the Western Cape, and many other international
universities are available; use “course search” and type public
health or development.
Open Research Online https://www.scirp.org/book/
Open Research Online is the UK Open University’s repository of research publications and
other research outputs. It is an Open Access resource that can be searched and browsed freely
by members of the public.
Open Textbook Library https://open.umn.edu/opentextbooks
Open Text Book is a registry of textbooks and related materials which are open that is free for
anyone to use, reuse and redistribute.
Print and online publications from the International Development Research
Print and online publications from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC),
Ottawa, Canada. Topics include: Development, Economics, Environment, Evaluation,
Food and Agriculture, Health, Information and Communication, Natural resources, Science
and Technology, Social Policy. Most books can be read online or downloaded.
Project Gutenberg https://www.gutenberg.org/
Project Gutenberg offers over 45,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle
books, download them or read them online.
SciTech Connect http://scitechconnect.elsevier.com/
SciTech Connect is a portal to free, publicly-available DOE-sponsored R&D results including
technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers,
Books, multimedia and data information. SciTech Connect is a consolidation of two core DOE
search engines, the Information Bridge and the Energy Citations Database. SciTech Connect
incorporates all of the R&D information from these two products into one search interface.
SciTech Connect was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)
Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) to increase access to science,
technology, and engineering research information from DOE and its predecessor agencies.
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) https://www.ssrn.com/index.cfm/en/
The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is an open access repository of scholarly
research in the social sciences and humanities. SSRN is composed of a number of specialized
research networks including Economics, Financial Economics and Legal Scholarship. The
SSRN eLibrary database contains abstracts for scholarly articles, working papers and
forthcoming papers, as well as over 390,000 downloadable full-text documents. EUI working
papers in Economics and Law are also included in the SSRN eLibrary.
The Online Books Page https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/search.html
The Online Books Page is a website that facilitates access to books that are freely readable
over the Internet. It also aims to encourage the development of such online books, for the
benefit and edification of all.
The World Bank’s Open Data Initiative https://data.worldbank.org/
The World Bank’s Open Data Initiative is providing free access to its comprehensive set of data
on living standards around the globe – some 2,000 indicators, including hundreds that go back
50 years. Databases include: World Development Indicators (WDI), Global Development
Finance (GDF) and African Development Indicators (ADI).
Virtual Library on Capacity Development https://elibrary.acbfpact.org/
This Library Contains open access online knowledge resources for capacity development
Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository https://cordis.europa.eu/
Virtual Open Access Agriculture & Aquaculture Repository: Sharing Scientific and
Scholarly Research related to Agriculture, Food, and Environment.
World Digital Library https://www.wdl.org/en/
World Digital Library makes it possible to discover, study, and enjoy cultural treasures from
around the world on one site, in a variety of ways. These cultural treasures include manuscripts,
maps, rare books, musical scores, recordings, films, prints, photographs, and architectural
British and Irish Legal Information Institute https://www.bailii.org/
Welcome to BAILII, where you can find British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union
case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. BAILII thanks
The Scottish Council of Law Reporting for their assistance in establishing the Historic Scottish Law
Reports project. For more information.
Commonwealth Legal Information Institute http://www.commonlii.org/
The Commonwealth Legal Information Institute (CommonLII) aims to provide one central
Internet location from which it is possible to search – for free – core legal information from all
Commonwealth countries. CommonLII will provide a common technical platform through
which all Commonwealth countries can cooperatively provide access to their laws. CommonLII
will assist the development of a genuinely international common law. It will support the rule of
law throughout the Commonwealth, by making each country’s legal system more transparent.
This transparency will also support international trade and investment.
Access to Law https://www.cwc.ac.uk/courses/section/course/access-to-law
AccessToLaw is a gateway site, providing annotated links to selected UK, Commonwealth and
worldwide legal web sites. Over 1300 sites are currently included.
African Law Library https://landportal.org/library/search
The African Online Library on Law and Governance (ALL) is an innovative online portal
available free of charge to all those interested in African law and governance. The Library was
initiated in 2012 by the African Innovation Foundation (AIF). The purpose of the AIF is to
increase the prosperity of Africans by catalyzing the innovation spirit in Africa. ALL aims to be
the leading, innovative online portal for African law and governance, and to improve access to
modern and customary law texts, and to other legal documents and secondary sources in the
continent of Africa.
Amsterdam Law Forum https://amsterdamlawforum.org/
Scientific International Law and Policy Commentary Journal.
Barrister https://www.britannica.com/topic/barrister
The Barrister is an independent magazine aimed at practicing barristers and published
quarterly. Articles from Issue 17 (June 2003) onwards are available via the “Archived
Articles” page and on an archived web site.
Bepress Legal Repository https://law.bepress.com/
The bepress Legal Repository offers working papers and pre-prints from scholars and
professionals at top law schools around the world.
Competition Law Review https://www.scirp.org/Journal/
The Competition Law Review is a fully refereed scholarly academic law journal. The
CompLRev is distinctive from other competition journals by virtue of having a very strong
scholarly basis and focus on particular topical competition law themes. It provides scholars with
a forum in which to discuss in detail the complexities and underlying trends in modern
competition law.
ECOLEX https://www.ecolex.org/
ECOLEX provides law professionals, policy makers, and students access to digital documents
in the area of environmental law. Available on the database are international treaties, national
legislation from countries around the world, court decisions, and legal and policy literature.
European Journal of Current Legal Issues https://www.scirp.org/
Formerly titled the Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, the EJoCLI is an open access refereed
journal covering legal issues in judicial decisions, law reform, legislation, legal research, legal
information and related topics. It is currently edited at the Queen’s University of Belfast School
of Law. Prior to Volume 19 (2013) it was published by the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
2003 onwards is available on the journal’s web site, with 1995 to 2012 available via a link to
the BAILII web site.
European Journal of International Law http://www.ejil.org/
This Archive contains the full text of all articles published in the Journal until one year prior to
the present. For the current year, visitors will find the full text of one lead article as well as all
review essays and book reviews. Abstracts are available for other articles. Subscribers to the
EJIL may access the full text of all articles of all issues on the Oxford University Press website.
European Journal of Law and Technology https://ejlt.org/index.php/ejlt
The European Journal of Law and Technology (EJLT) is a refereed open access journal published
up to three times a year 2010 onwards and featuring articles, discussions and reviews relating to IT
law and applications.
FAOLEX http://www.fao.org/faolex/en/
FAOLEX is a comprehensive and up-to-date legislative database, one of the world’s largest
electronic collection of national laws and regulations on food, agriculture and renewable
natural resources. Users of FAOLEX have direct access to the abstracts and indexing
information about each text, as well as to the full text of most legislation contained in the
Free Full-Text Online Law Review/ https://www.lawtechnologytoday.org/
This free search engine searches the free full-text of over 400 online law reviews and law
journals, as well as document repositories hosting academic papers and related publications such
as Congressional Research Service reports. Several of the law reviews and legal journals (such
as the Stanford Technology Law Review), working papers, and reports are available online
In-House Lawyer https://www.inhouselawyer.co.uk/
The In-House Lawyer is a journal published in hard copy and online ten times a year and aimed at
in-house counsel of the UK and EMEA. Content freely available on its web site includes selected
articles, which can be searched or browsed by subject. Coverage for most categories is 2009
onwards, with earlier articles available in some categories.
Indices of Social Development https://isd.iss.nl/
Indices of Social Development is an innovative World bank/ISS database, which will open new
areas of research on social development, comparing various dimensions within countries, and
their impact on other aspects of development
Journal of Law and Commerce https://jlc.law.pitt.edu/ojs/index.php/jlc
The Journal of Law and Commerce is a law review published by an independent student group
at the University Of Pittsburgh School Of Law, focusing on domestic and international
commercial and business law. The journal is published biannually, with recent issues available
online. Its Bluebook abbreviation is J.L. & Com.
Journal of Legal Analysis https://academic.oup.com/jla
The Journal of Legal Analysis, founded in 2009, is a fully open access peer-reviewed general
journal on all aspects of law, centered at Harvard Law School but with a board of editors drawn
from many universities. It welcomes traditional legal articles as well as
Interdisciplinary work, and invites submissions from scholars worldwide. All
publications may be viewed and downloaded free of charge. Print copies can be
purchased for $61 per issue.
Journal of the Law Society of Scotland https://www.lawscot.org.uk/members/journal/
The Journal is the monthly magazine for Scottish solicitors. Select “The Magazine” from the
main menu to access articles from the latest print edition, or the Archive for the complete text of
articles from December 1998 onwards.
Kenya National Council for Law Reporting http://kenyalaw.org/kl/
Our Aim is to Provide Universal Access to Kenya’s Public Legal Information by Monitoring
and Reporting on the Development of Jurisprudence for the Promotion of the Rule of Law
Labordoc https://labordoc.ilo.org/
Online repository of publications and documents on labour issues from the International
Labour Organisation (ILO).
Law Society Gazette https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/
The weekly Law Society Gazette is distributed free of charge to all solicitors in England and
Wales with a current practising certificate. New content appears here online in advance of the
printed copy, and there is a searchable archive of articles, 7 March 1990 onwards.
Public Library of Law (PLoL) https://guides.loc.gov/free-case-law/PLOL
PLOL provides access to cases from the U.S. Supreme Court and Courts of Appeals; Cases
from all 50 states back to 1997; Federal statutory law and codes from all 50 states as well as
state regulations, state court rules, and state constitutions.
SAFLIISouthern African Legal Information Institute http://www.saflii.org/
The Southern African Legal Information Institute publishes legal information for free public
access which comprises mainly of case law and legislation from South Africa. SAFLII also
hosts legal materials from other countries in the region which are obtained through
partnerships, collaborative efforts and more recently through linking to other Legal
Information Institutes established in these regions. All information is offered on a free and
open basis subject to our terms of use and is continuously updated
The Yale Law Journal https://www.yalelawjournal.org/
The Yale Law Journal is a student-run law review affiliated with the Yale Law School.
Published continuously since 1891, it is the most widely known of the eight law reviews
published by students at Yale Law School. The journal is one of the most cited legal
publications in the nation and usually generates the highest number of citations per published
ULII – Uganda Legal Information Institute
Free Access to Ugandan Law
United Nations – Official Document System of the United Nations (ODS)
ODS includes PDFs of all types of official United Nations documentation, beginning in 1993.
Older UN documents are added to the system daily. ODS also provides access to the resolutions
of the General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council and the Trusteeship
Council from 1946 onwards.


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