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Master Of Education Management And Planning

Nkumba University’s vision seeks to be a leading national, regional, and global hub for academic and professional excellence. The Mission of the University is to provide quality higher education that cultivates learning, research and community engagement. The School of Education, Humanities, and Sciences is one of the six Schools of the University. It seeks to be an educational center of academic and professional excellence. It aims at preparing professionals and other academia to become competent in various fields in the pursuit of further knowledge geared towards the transformation of society through education.

To archive this mission the School offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the discipline of education. The proposed Master of Education Management and Planning is intended to facilitate continuity in education training and research to the post-graduate level in pursuance of the university mission and vision.

Career Path

So, imagine you’ve just completed Nkumba University’s Master of Education Management and Planning program. You’re now equipped with the skills and knowledge to make a real difference in the world of education. Here’s how your career path might unfold:

  1. Education Leader: You could become an education administrator, running schools or educational organizations, ensuring everything runs smoothly and students get the best learning experience possible.
  2. Curriculum Creator: Ever wanted to design your own courses? As a curriculum developer, you’d get to do just that, crafting engaging learning materials and programs that make a real impact on students’ lives.
  3. Educational Consultant: Picture yourself as a trusted advisor, helping schools and organizations navigate complex educational challenges, from curriculum planning to policy development.
  4. Research Whiz: If you’re into digging into data and uncovering insights, a career as a research analyst could be your calling. You’d be the go-to person for understanding what works in education and how we can make it even better.
  5. School Leader: Always dreamed of running your own school? As a principal or headteacher, you’d get to shape the future of education, creating a positive learning environment where students thrive.
  6. Higher Education Hero: In the world of colleges and universities, you could be the one shaping academic programs, supporting students, and driving institutional success as a dean or registrar.
  7. Teacher Trainer: Imagine inspiring the next generation of educators! As a professional development coordinator, you’d design and deliver training programs that help teachers excel in the classroom.
  8. Community Champion: Want to make education accessible to all? As a community education coordinator, you’d work with local organizations to create learning opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds.
  9. Advocate for Change: If you’re passionate about social justice, you could be a voice for change, advocating for policies and programs that ensure every child gets a quality education, regardless of their background.
  10. Education Entrepreneur: Always had a knack for innovation? You could start your own educational venture, whether it’s a tutoring center, educational tech startup, or consulting business, making education more engaging and accessible for everyone.

So, whether you see yourself leading schools, shaping policies, or starting your own education revolution, the Master of Education Management and Planning program sets you on a path to make a real difference in the world of education

Course Modules

EMP 41101 Theories of Education Administration and Management
EMP 41102 Governance and politics in education institutions
EMP 41103 Contemporary issues in education  Management
EMP 41104 Theories of Education Planning  and policy making
EMP 41105 Micro computer  Application
EMP 41106 Financial Planning and Management in Educational Institutions
EMP 41201 Curriculum Development
EMP 41202 Psychological Assessment and Evaluation
EMP 41203 Practices in Education Management and Planning
EMP 41204 Advanced Research Methods
EMP 41205 Project Planning and Management
EMP 41206 Practicum
EMP 42101 Statistical  Tools and  Techniques for  Research
EMP 42102 Corporate strategy
EMP 42103 Public relations
EMP 42104 Professional Ethics and legal Issues in Education
EMP 42105 Comparative Education
EMP 42201 Education Standard and Supervision
EMP 42202 Human Resource Management in Education
EMP 42203 Entrepreneurship in Education
EMP 42204 Guidance and Counseling in Education Institutions
EMP 42205 Special needs in Education
EMP 42206 Dissertation

Entry Requirements

In order to enhance the quality of PhD education, Nkumba University, establishes acceptable standards and guidelines for the same. This has been recognised as an important process of establishing sustainable internal quality assurance mechanisms and system that will ensure that the awards of the University meet national, regional and global standards of excellence. Click here for full guidelines

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