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Directorate Postgraduate Studies and Research (DPGSR)

It gives me great joy and honour to welcome you to DPGSR.

Students who choose to join us have an opportunity for a very exciting and rewarding academic and intellectual experience. The staffs at the DPGSR will always endeavourer to lay a foundation for life and career development to them. They make friends, discover new areas of interest and develop personal Confidence, Competence, Creativity and Character. Students are provided with knowledge, Skills and Values which are necessary inputs for success in a highly competitive and rapidly changing world of work and they learn to be independent. At the DPGSR our students learn:

  • How to write well
  • How to speak well
  • How to behave well
  • How to live with others
  • How to deal with other people.

Structure of the Directorate of Postgraduate Studies and Research

The Postgraduate Directorate is headed the Director who is in-charge of coordinating all Postgraduate Programmes and Research at Nkumba University; an Administrative Assistant to provide administrative support; the Secretary to provide Secretarial services to the School and an Office Attendant.

Accreditation of PhD Programme:

Nkumba University has seven (07) PhD Programmes that were accredited by National Council for Higher Education (NCHE). These include:

  1. PhD in Business Administration
  2. PhD in Natural Resources Management
  3. PhD in Counselling Psychology
  4. PhD in Education Management
  5. PhD in Development Studies
  6. PhD in Public Administration & Management
  7. PhD in Art & Design
  8. PhD in Security Studies is under NCHE for consideration

 The PhD Programme and Seminars

The PhD Programme at Nkumba University is a three years programme conducted by research and seminars. The seminars are planned to cover core areas of training in research in the first year of study. This is to help ground students with the necessary research skills and to understand the philosophy of knowledge at this highest level of academic engagement. The seminars include:-

  1. Overview of demands and expectations for PhD Research
  2. PhD research topic formulation, background to research problem, problem statement, setting research objectives, hypotheses and scope at PhD level
  3. Literature Review at PhD level -Practical
  4. Quantitative Research Methods
  5. Qualitative Research Methods
  6. Mixed Research Methods
  7. Institutional Pedagogy Skills
  8. Philosophy of Knowledge Epistemology 1
  9. Statistics & Computer Applications in Research
  10. Scholarly Writing and Publication

Supervision of PhD Candidates

Supervision is considered to be an important aspect under which a research student is given the necessary technical, professional and moral support. Therefore, every student who is enrolled for the research PhD is assigned two Supervisors to guide him/her during the study. One of the supervisors is assigned administrative responsibilities to oversee the student in addition to professional and technical support he/she would provide to the student.

Currently, the University has quite a number supervisors. These supervisors are of two categories: internal supervisors and external supervisors. The internal supervisors are full-time employees of Nkumba University while external supervisors from other institutions may also be appointed to supervise our PhD students after signing an MOU with the mother institution; due to their expertise, experience and professionalism.

Examination of PhD Candidates

Examination of the PhD candidates at Nkumba University is governed by a comprehensive body of regulations and guidelines contained in the PhD programme document as well as in the Senate rules and regulations governing examination of graduate students. The regulations and rules provide for Thesis submission, internal examination, external examination as well as public defense (viva voce) of the Thesis by the candidate.

All Theses submitted for examination are assessed by both internal and external examiners. In case there is no internal examiner to assess the work, an external examiner is appointed to serve the role of an internal examiner. This is to ensure that all Theses are subjected to at least two examiners.

University Facilities

Nkumba University has a wide range of facilities to enable students acquire the necessary assistance while conducting their studies. These include;

  • a PhD Boardroom for conducting meetings/discussions,
  • a 24/7 Library service including a PhD section for PhD holders who might need to access completed PhD Theses.
  • ICT facilities/internet services which are accessible to all users on a first come first serve basis.
  • E-resources e.g. books, journals and other resources.

Nkumba University Kampala Campus

The University established a campus in Kampala in July 2015 with the objective of widening access to higher education. The campus officers both Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses during day, evening and over the weekend. It is well located in a central business district (along Kabaka Anjagala Rd – Mengo) hence providing easy access to quality education.


I welcome all those interested to pursue their postgraduate studies to Nkumba University once again and confirm that they will not make a mistake when they choose to study at this University. The University will prepare everything that they require to study and obtain life skills that will make them achieve their goal.


Staff Members

Mugisa Joan
She holds a Masters Degree in Business Administration from Uganda Martyrs University (MBA-Mngt) (UMU…


Nkumba University INternational Academic Mobility Policy (IAMP)
1 33 downloads
Policies, Relations December 2, 2024

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