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Stay updated on the latest research projects at Nkumba University on our Research Projects page. Discover the diverse range of research being conducted by our esteemed faculty and students across all disciplines. Learn about the impact and significance of each project, and find out how you can get involved. Nkumba University is a leader in research and innovation, and our research projects are a testament to the exceptional talent and dedication of our community. Join us and be a part of shaping the future through groundbreaking research at Nkumba University.

In its Strategic Plan 2007/8- 2011/12 and 2013/14 – 2023/24, Nkumba University identified “Strengthening Research and Publishing” as one of its priority objectives to be achieved. The University commits Ugx.60 million to be used to award 6 research grants of 10 Million to each research team every year. This has been going on since 2009. The research funds (60million) is about 0.3% of the total University Budget.

In addition to internal funds provided by the University, the Senior Staff have also secured some funding from external funding agencies. “Completed Research” 

YearSchoolName of the ProjectPrincipal Investigator (PI)Completion Date
2009/10SBA“Entrepreneurship Development and Customer Care: A case of Businesses in Nkumba and Entebbe” Dr. R. Mwirumubi2015
2009/10SEHSThe Effect of Legal Framework on the Quality of Early Childhood Care and Education Development in Entebbe Municipality” Mrs. D. Kabugo2015
2009/10SOSS“An Assessment of the Effectiveness of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care Service Provision in Blessing Communities: The Case of Landing Sites in Entebbe”Assoc Prof . M. Mawa2015
2009/10SCIADVisual art skills and activities towards enhancing teaching. How to begin reading and writing of early childhood education in Uganda.”Miss. J. W Mukasa2015
2009/10SCOS“Uganda’s Fish Export Promotion and its effect on Lake Victoria Fishing Communities” Prof. Orach-Meza2015

ongoing Research

YearSchoolName of ProjectPrincipal Investigator (PI)Completion Date
2021SCIAD and UNIVIE in AustriaTransnational Action on Traditional Knowledge Ethos in Strategic Human DevelopmentAssoc. Prof. Catherine Gombe and Assoc. Prof. Michelle Proyer2024
2010/11SEHS“The involvement of the school community in the management of school Generated waste in selected secondary schools in Kampala.”

Mr. E.S. Kiwanuka

Still on-going
2010/11SBA“The current praxi of middle management in the enhancement of quality education in universities.”

Prof. W.M. Mande

Still on-going
2010/11SEHS“The relevance of community service in criminal justice systems of Uganda as Applied in Entebbe Magistrate area.”

Miss. B. Namata

Still on-going
2010/11SCIAD“A Feasibility study of therapeutic visual arts process in the counseling and care HIV/AIDS patients. A case study of TASO Mulago Entebbe center.”

Mr. C. Kaggwa

Still on-going
2010/11SEHS“Mitigating factors influencing the performance of Primary top students in Uganda; a trace study of academic excellence of primary, secondary and university students between 1998 and 2008.”

Prof J.C. Ssekamwa

Still on-going

(changed study area)

2010/11SCOS“Tourism strategy for sustainable development.   A case study of Entebbe Municipality and its environs, Wakiso District.”

Prof. Eric Edroma


Team member to follow up
2011/12SCOSA research study towards realizing an environmental policy at Nkumba University, Uganda.

Assoc. Prof. M. P. Musoke

Still on-going
2011/12SOSSAn Assessment of the domestication of EALA policies that promote East African Integration by the National Assemblies of Member States.Mr. Barenzi GeorgeStill on-going
2011/12SCIADExperimenting with diverse local clays to develop decorative fragmented mosaic motifs and works.

Assoc Prof. A. P. Yiga

Still on-going
2011/12SCOSGeneral Ecosystem Modeling for predicting basic productivity of Lake Victoria.

Prof F. Orach-Meza

Still on-going
2011/12SEHSConflict resolution mechanisms and organisation culture.

Mr. Kibuuka Peter

Still on-going
2011/12SBAFrom University to work place: A tracer study of Nkumba University Alumni 1998-2010.

Prof. W.M. Mande

Still on-going
2014/15SCIADApplication of digital media/computer animations as effective teaching media to shorten the learning curve in the Schools/center.Mr. James Wevugira SsemanobeStill on-going
2014/15SEHSThe reading and writing culture in university education. A case study of School of Education, Humanities & Sciences.Mr. Simon Peter OngodiaStill on-going
2014/15SOSSThe state of research in universities in Uganda. The case of private universities in Uganda.Assoc. Prof. Micheal MawaStill on-going

Micro financing and growth of small business in Katabi Sub-County, Wakiso District, Uganda.


Mr. Lwanga Musisi AbubakerStill on-going

External Organisations

YearSchoolName of ProjectPrincipal Investigator (PI)



Completion Date
2021SCIAD and UNIVIE in AustriaTransnational Action on Traditional Knowledge Ethos in Strategic Human DevelopmentAssoc. Prof. Catherine Gombe and Assoc. Prof. Michelle Proyer

OeAD through AfricaUniNet, Austria.

€ 20,000. 



“Mapping the substantive representation of women in the Ugandan Legislature: Unpacking contextual factors that propel policy success /failure of female change agents”.


Dr. Robinah Mirembe and

Asiimwe Solomon

USAID State University of New York


2008SEHS“A gender perspective to enhancing wealth creation for poverty alleviation among small scale fishers in the lake Victoria Basin”.

Prof. Peter Kibas (Kenya) and Mrs. Dorothy Kabugo

Nkumba University

CIDA-SAREC Through Inter-University Council of East Africa

US$ 150,000

2011SCOSEternal consultancy on water Resources in the IGAD Sub-Region Prof F. Orach-Meza

African Development Bank

US$ 600,000

2007SCOSPresidential Oluwoko Malaria Project

Assoc Prof. M. P. Musoke

Office of the President (Uganda)

US$ 800,000

Still on-going

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