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National Certificate  in   Information Communication Technology

Government of Uganda through the National Curriculum Development Centre, under the Ministry of Education and Sports embarked on reviewing the Business, Technical and Vocational curricula to make it competence-based as advocated for by the BTVET Strategic Plan (2011 – 2020) of “Skilling Uganda”. Government emphasis has been placed on the provision of knowledge, skills, and work attitudes for majority of Ugandans with a view of improving service delivery and increasing productivity of citizens.

To ensure quality and standards across the country, the Ministry through National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) in partnership with the various institutions that had developed individual curricula took up the responsibility of harmonizing the curricula materials for all institutions both private and public. Government further streamlined the post Ordinary level programmes to run for two years, with the aim of equating such qualifications to the Advanced Certificate of Education and to allow for progression, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Government White Paper (1992). 

The harmonization of this curriculum was premised on the current labour market demands, making it learner-centered, and competence-based.  It focuses on core tasks and continuous assessment, with each semester involving execution of a real-life project that makes the graduate competent in the field of work. 

The current environment is very dynamic and creates a lot of challenges for the learners. Therefore the National Certificate in Information and Communication Technology (NCIT) programme is aimed at equipping learners with skills in software management, hardware management, network management and office administration. It will guide them on how to deal with problems which can greatly impact on the day-to-day operations of business. 

As Minister responsible for Education I urge both public and private Business, Technical, Vocational and other tertiary institutions charged with a duty of training in the country, to embrace this programme

NCDC recognises the Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) for their financial and technical contributions.

The Centre further acknowledges the different institutions that directly composed the panel members for developing this curriculum. These include; Uganda Colleges of Commerce, industries, and the private institutions under the UGAPRIVI umbrella. Finally we would like to appreciate the Ministry of Education and Sports, particularly the BTVET department for the continuous support and guidance given to the Centre in fulfilling our mandate.

Career Path

NCIT graduates may opt to further their education and improve on their skills by offering a diploma and or degree in Information Technology or any other vocational program of one’s choice.

Assessment Criteria

Each module shall be assessed out of 100 marks as follows:

Continuous assessments 40%
Final examinations 60%

Continuous Aassessments

These shall be either individual based or group assignments. They will consist of:

  • Practical work
  • Classroom exercises and presentations
  • Assignments
  • Tests
  • Industrial Training and projects execution

There shall be final examinations within the last two weeks of every year set and conducted by UBTEB.

A candidate shall be considered to have acquired a competence on performing tasks required in the labour market. One must have attended at least 75% of the module and undergone both continuous assessment and end of year examinations.

Continuous assessment shall be handled by the training institutions and verified by UBTEB officials.

Course Modules

Bccs112 Basic Communication Skills 30 30 45 3
Ncit113 Basic Mathematics 30 30 45 3
Ncit114 Real Life Project 1 10 120 60 4
Total Semest er Load 19
Year 1:  Se mester 2
NCIT 121 Basic HTML Web Programming 15 90 60 4
NCIT 122 Computer     Graphics        and


Photo 15 120 75 5
NCIT 123 Computational Mathematics 30 30 45 3
NCED 125 Entrepreneurship Skills 30 60 60 4
NCIT 124 Real Life Project 2 10 120 60 4
Total Semest er Load 20
Recess Te rm
NCIT 125 Industrial Training 1 10 100 4
Year 2:  Se mester 1
NCIT 211 Static  Website Development 15 120 75 5
NCIT 212 Networking               and


Data 15 120 75 5
NCIT 213 Computer Ethics 15 60 45 3
NCIT 214 Real Life Project 3 10 120 60 4
Total Semester Load       17
Year 2:  Semester 2
NCIT 221 Introduction   to         Visual Programming Basic 30 90 75 5
NCIT 222 Basic Computer Maintenance 15 120 75 5
NCKS 223 Basic Kiswahili 30 60 60 4
NCIT 224 Real Life Project 4 10 120 60 4
Total Semester Load 18
Recess Term
NCIT 225 Industrial Training 2 10 100 4

Entry Requirements

  • Ordinary Level Entry Scheme (Uganda Certificate of Education entry scheme)
    The candidate should be a holder of a Uganda Certificate of Education Education (UCE) with at least three passes obtained in the same year of sitting.
  • Certificate Entry Scheme
    The candidate should hold a Junior Vocational Certificate (JVC) OR Community Polytechnic Certificate (CPC), obtained from any recognised institution.
    Year I Semester I
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